Hautes Fagnes

In less than 2 hours from Brussel you can find total solitude in the Hautes Fagnes.

The region is located on the east side of Belgium in the Ardenne region around 20km from Le Coffee Ride HQ.

Besides being the highest place of Belgium with a peak at 694 meters at the well known Baraque Michel, the area is characterized by its unique and diverse landscape, including vast peat bogs, heathlands, moorlands, endless gravel roads and forests.

From Eupen to Malmedy there is the main road which takes you across the high plateau, from the top you can find several walking trails & groads.

It’s one of the largest nature reserves in Belgium and habitats for a diverse wildlife. Remote as it is, The Hautes Fagnes provide terrain for birds, dears, foxes and even wolfs since a couple of years in some specific area’s.

Efforts to preserve and protect the Hautes Fagnes have been ongoing for decades. Conservation initiatives focus on maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem, preserving the peat bogs, and protecting the biodiversity of the region.

Overall, the Belgian Hautes Fagnes are a unique and ecologically important area, offering visitors a chance to experience the beauty and diversity of nature in one of Belgium’s most stunning landscapes.

Feel like going up there with your gravel bike or road bike starting from Le Coffee Ride HQ, find a few routes & gpx you can download on the routes page

Visit the highest brewed beer in Belgium at the Peak brasserie, ideal for a lunch or pause.

In case you are looking for more information about the area, walking trails and regulation, we recommend the Botrange webiste.

Find specialty coffee & lunch at Le Coffee Ride HQ in Coo/Stavelot 25 min from la Baraque Michel by car.

Shop the OFF BIKE collection here or visit Le Coffee Ride HQ in Coo.